Chica De Pora - Guarantee

Your satisfaction is our top priority. We care about your experience with us. If for any reason you are not 100% Satisfied, Chica De Pora Guarantee will refund the full purchase price or replace the product with one of equal value. We're here to assist you with personalized recommendations, usage tips, and safety guidelines – just an email or phone call away.

If you are dissatisfied with Chica De Pora products or services, please reach out. Our team is here and hope to make things right! Call us at 866-379-0868, Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm EST, or email us at Our location is 1700 Main Street, Blakely PA, 18447, USA.

Refunds are limited to one item per person, customer, or address. Refund or replacement of the product is our only obligation and or guarantee. Any sale over $200.00 will be considered a commercial transaction. Commercial refunds will be assessed on a case-by-case basis, subject to a 50% restocking fee. Refunds are limited to one item per person, customer, or address. It is fraudulent and illegal under the US Mail Fraud Statutes (1 USC, Sections 1341-1342), to use multiple addresses to get multiple refunds.

If you made a purchase on Amazon, kindly get in touch with their customer support.

Click here to learn more about our policies.